Friday, November 5, 2010

Fall Activity Pics - Kids - My School

You can see our Trip to the Pumpkin Patch, Making & Baking Fall & Halloween Cookies, and Halloween 2010 pictures at the following links.  What great Fall Fun!

Max is in two different Presschools - Mon & Wed he has Preschool that is specifically geared to Speech Therapy Activities, and the rest of the week he goes to a regular state Preschool through the school district.  The Mon/Wed class has gotten their school pictures back and Max's was PRECIOUS!!
Isn't he just too dang cute?!?!  Three years old and already a handsome little devil!!!  He will have his other class school pics as well as Kaitlynn getting hers in another week or two.  Mike got his but they weren't exactly great and he and I agreed to do the retakes.... still waiting for them to come back.
I have finished this first tern towards my Medical Billing & Coding Specialist Certificate.  A+ in my Strategies class (102%), an A in my Keyboarding Class, and an A in my Computer Concepts class, so what does that make...?  4.25, right?  WOOHOO!!  Dean's List here I come!!  I am so excited about school and loving it!!  Very proud of myself for getting back there and doing this well!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's been a fun ride, but can I get off now?

Good news with Mike's shoulder - no surgery needed - at least not yet.  He is still trying to talk me into letting him play soccer?!?! He doesn't consider it a contact sport and cannot understand why he can't play while going through physical therapy.  he's almost 17, and you know, they know everything at that age. He is struggling with Spanish (poor kid is like me and couldn't pick up a second language if it would save his life), but the rest of his classes and grades are doing really well!  Finally!

Kaitlynn has "prominent" adenoids and although we haven't gotten the monitoring results back, her Dr already referred us to the ENT (ears nose and throat) Specialist to look at options.  That appt is on the 27th.  Her bangs are growing back at a snail's pace and I am highly doubting that they will be normal by Xmas pictures LOL! But she is developing some amazing critical thinking skills that have blown us all away these days... she can look at the situation and come up with what's going on in an incredible way!  It is so fun!

Max's aide has figured out that I might just know how to be a good parent and I might actually know more about Max than she does. She was also reprimanded for her breaking policy by restraining Max to begin with.  She also figured out the hard way, that when it comes to my kids, BACK OFF.  We went to the ER almost 2 weeks ago for a spider bite on Max's foot that swelled up his whole foot, stayed hot to the touch, and was bright red for an entire afternoon into the evening.  Antibiotics and Benedryl and he was all better in just a day. He is talking SO much better.  It has been a lot of pressure and tension dealing with him when he is frustrated by not being able to communicate, but lately it has been 200% better!

I have straight A's in school right now, but this is the easy part - Anatomy and Medical Terminology are where the hard stuff will come in.  If keyboarding doesn't kill me first.  I have an A, but I have to type 55 words per minute to graduate with my certificate.  UGH

Matt has kept himself busy with a few remodel jobs going at the same time.  He is still called to help John and Mae with their apartments now and then as well.  Thanks to that, we haven't sunk financially.  Times are definitely tough, but we are surviving. As soon as I finish school, we'll be in like Flynn!

We are looking forward to the family trip to the Pumpkin Patch next week.  Then we will have a Pumpkin Carving Party and also celebrate Uncle Kelly's big 4-0.  Then Halloween will be too much fun as well!  Max will be a cowboy and Kaitlynn will be Snow White, wig and all.  I can't wait to take a million more pictures of them!

Here is a link to the pictures from our Boat Trip weekend before last.  We had a wonderful time and the kids love the boat just like their Daddy does.  Me, I love being ON the water anywhere, not in it, but on it.  A Mango Mimosa in hand while on the boat = Heaven!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Update on the Kids

MAX - Classroom teacher will be monitoring the interaction Max has with the aide in his classroom. We all know Max is a handful, but there is no situation that warrants completely holding him down and restraining him. I have made my point very clear to the aide and she chose to disregard my wishes along with district policy anyways. The lead teacher and I have discussed this and believe it is the reason for the negative behaviors with this aide. When he is not being supervised by the aide, he is a very happy, sweet boy who easily follows the flow of the classroom and is eager to learn. I know the teacher is required to report this to her supervisor, so they can take it from here. I will continue to advocate for my child and will not be a bad example to him by decking the aide the next time she decides to lay a hand on my son.

He wont go naked in the water, and he won't wear a swim diaper....

KAITLYNN - Has had the xrays done on her neck and face to determine the size of nasal passages, tonsils, and adenoids. Last night she slept with a monitor on to record the level of oxygen she was in-taking throughout the night. We should have these results back by the end of the week. Kaitlynn is a heavy mouth breather like her father and I have observed the breathing during her sleep to pause for a few second that suggests she has sleep apnea like her father as well. Depending the results, we have a few options to decide from to help this not become a serious problem if it is even bad enough at this time to need any procedures at all. Although we are hoping for no need of procedures, we are realistic that they will more than likely be necessary. We are hoping she will only need a less invasive procedure instead of a full surgery.
One of the last pics we have before she chopped her own bangs off to the scalp.

MIKE - The MRI was read by the Sports Medicine Doctor who has referred Mike to the Orthopedic Surgeon with 90% surety that he will agree in Mike needing surgery to fix his shoulder. The cartilage ring inside the shoulder has pulled away from it's seal on the bone and also appears to be torn. The surgeon will have the final call, but torn cartilage does not repair itself and no amount of rehabilitation is going to fix it. We are confident the surgeon will agree that surgery is needed and will discuss that with him on the 14th. Mike has started becoming depressed over not being able to continue on the football team, and I am thinking the surgery is quite daunting to him even though he acts like the tough guy. We are also seeing a counselor to help with this. I think once the surgery is done and the healing is complete, he'll be back to his old self!
 (Mike refuses to let you take a decent pic of him.)

So for those on Facebook who have seen my recent posts about taking deep breaths and calm and collected taking one step at a time... this is why. We are handling each child's crisis one day at a time and making the decisions that are in their best interests for them both right now and in the future. Each of these situations is manageable and will be overcome with the right attentions, faith, patience and love. I remind myself 80 times a day that this is not going to have any lifelong, let alone long term effects on any of them... just maybe me!! Plans change daily when a necessary appointment comes up, or when someone brings home a cold from school. The stress of all three at once in crisis is, at times, overwhelming, as most of you know what a Momma Bear I am about my kids, so all good thoughts, hoping, wishing, and praying is most welcome!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

and so it begins...

Tomorrow night is Orientation for my night school at MTI College here close to home. Matt is spending tomorrow with me as my last day of freedom.  We'll get a few good one on one hours in while the kids are at school, and then a family activity of some sort that afternoon.  Then off to orientation at 6pm...
Nervous, not really... Anxious, some, only because my time will not be my own for 16 months.  Every morning I will be getting the kids up and off to school, then doing homework and running / walking / working out.  By then the little ones are home and lunch, naps, and housecleaning resume.  Dinner will be started for Daddy to finish or just be done long enough to eat and run for my 6-9:30pm classes each weekday.  Weekends I am sure will be consumed with spending time with my kids and husband that I didn't get a whole lot of during the week, and probably a lot of putting the house back together and laundry that I didn't have time for during the week.  I am going to miss them!!  But I have to look at this as an investment into our futures.  After I get that certificate, I will be able to walk into a job (that there will be a demand for) starting at $34-40K a year. That will definitely get the credit cleaned up, keep our heads above water, and along with Daddy's income, we'll even be able to save for another down on another house and quit paying someone else's mortgage by renting!  I'll still update here and add pics as I can... that's one thing that won't stop - PICTURES!  My memories of my children that are just growing up too fast!

<3 Bree

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mid-September ALREADY?!?!

Wow - where is the time going??  It's already the middle of September!  Well we are all doing well surprisingly.  Besides financial struggles and Mike's shoulder, everything else is calming down finally.  Worries me that it might be the calm before the storm! LOL  I'll be starting school next week and hope we can manage the chaos in schedules with one car and Matt working 30 minutes away all day everyday, the kids to and from school, medical/dental appts every week, Football games each weekend (on hold right now) and my night school.  SO much going on and we are just getting it under control.  Thanks to my mom that is.  She has been here just about everyday to either watch the kids or to let me use her truck to pick up the kids from school.  Such a life saver!  Thanks Mom!

Maximus... (long sigh) He is doing better with talking - lots better!  He is fighting potty training and just doesn't seem ready.  We have to keep trying though, he cannot go to his regular preschool on T, Th & F unless he is in underwear or pullups.  Thank God he is a afternoon & evening pooper so he doesn't really have any #2 accidents at school.  But one day he will go through two outfits I pack for him and is wearing loaner clothes when he comes home, and the next day come home in the same clothes with no accidents all morning.  He no longer fights getting on the bus or letting me leave when I drop him off.  He is getting used to the routine and accepting this is how it is each day.  He is really getting interested in books lately, too.  He got his first ever Scholastic Book Order Form form school, so I emailed the family and asked if anyone wanted to contribute a book to Max. He got every one of the things on his (our) Wish List plus more!  The family support and love was awesome!  Thank You Guys! Anything to keep him talking more and moving forward with his skill sets.  He is growing up so fast!  He is almost the size of Kaitlynn, and although his pants are just a little long, they are wearing the same sizes!!  By the end of winter I am betting Max will be just as tall if not taller than his sister!  Here he is getting the idea of peddling down.

Kaitlynn loves school.  She is just like mommy was and soaks everything up like a sponge!  She is one of the older, actually I think she is the oldest, kid in her class so she is miles ahead of the other kids.  But she needs to be there to get a few holes filled in on her skill sets to be fully ready for Kindergarten.  Her birthday is in January, so she missed the cutoff date of Dec 1st to start Kindergarten this year.  Her teacher uses her to help comfort some of the first timers that cry forever when the parent leaves.  She is such a little mommy and the other kids seem to look up to her like that the teacher says.  They go to her when they get hurt or want attention when the teacher is busy.  Cracks me up.  She is trying to tell Daddy and I how it is these days.  When she gets a smart mouth and is told to go sit in her room until she can talk right to us, she will say "I will NOT! I am not going to my room!  I am staying right here!"  So that's our challenge with her right now.   New phase, new things to look up on the pc to get ideas how to handle it best for her and us.  If that's the worst thing we have going on with her... we're good!!!  She says the funniest things too, though, not just sassy stuff.  She can put two and two together and comes to a conclusion all by herself.  Her delivery of this realization is what is usually hilarious!!  She is really fun at this age!  Here is my new favorite pic of her.

Michael is roughing it these days.  He almost dislocated his shoulder in a game two weeks ago.  Sports Medicine Doctor said it was a partial dislocation and might have done some damage by the looks of his pain level and loss of mobility during her exam.  She ordered an MRI and Xrays.  She even printed a letter to his coach stating he could not play or lift until further notice.  She says after the tests, she should know one way or the other if there is any injury by the results of the MRI.  If there is an injury, he'll be out for the rest of the season.  If there is not an injury, he is 100% ok to play through the pain as long as he can handle it.  He is doing great in school with the exception of some struggling with Spanish.  This last week he has really started to show signs of maturity... finally. For a while there I wondered if he was going to make it to 17.  Holy crap... Mike is going to be 17 in 2 months!!!

We are all looking forward to fall.  We have a trip to Apple Hill planned, our traditional Halloween/Fall Cookie Decorating Night, a trip to the Pumpkin Patch, and a Pumpkin Carving Party planned.  Matt's family and my family have both been invited to try and make more of a "Family" event out of the Fall Festivities, and we truly hope they will all come.  Our kids need to grow up with their cousins and grandparents, and keep family close to their hearts as a priority in life.  Lots of fun stuff though regardless who comes!  Makes for a very busy us, but well worth it for the memories we will be making with our kids and family!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Football Slideshow

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Football Updates

Last week the Mira Loma Matadors played Mesa Verde High and WON with a 35-13score.  Last night Mike had a game at Highlands High School.  Some things don't change after almost 20 yrs.  They still play dirty, the refs pretend not to see it to reduce the chance of their anger focused on them, and the are still sore losers!  Mike's team won 26-20 with Highlands being on their 1 yard line for FOUR downs and unable to make it over.  Go MATS!  Nice Defense!  It was intense for the last minute and a half of the game.  The minute the clock ran out and Mira Loma won, Highlands players tried to start a team wide fight.  Campus Police was on their way down the sides of the bowl but refs and coaching staffs had it contained.  Both teams huddled on the field for a few moments with their coaches, and suddenly it was obvious the Highlands Fan/Families/Students wanted to continue the fight.  Matadors were escorted off the field and into the locker room where they were not allowed to leave until the Police came.  30 minutes later, several units showed up and haphazardly tried to disburse the crowd and escort our team, families, fans, and coaches to the vehicles.  It was absolutely unorganized.  You bet the school district will be hearing from me as well as the Campus Police! 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Schedules Schedules and more Schedules

Max is now in school 5 days a week!  On Monday & Wednesday he goes to his speech therapy geared preschool from 8am to 12 noon where the bus takes him to and from school.  Then on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday he goes to the regular preschool about a mile away from 8:15am to 11:45am.  Mike leaves at 6:45am to walk to school and has practice as soon as school gets out so I don't see him until about 6pm, sometimes 7pm.  He has just enough time to get his homework and chores done and a little gaming time in before he crashes out.  Kaitlynn is loving all the mommy time she is getting.  She doesn't start her preschool class until the 7th. Then she and Max will be in the same school, just separate classrooms.  She goes to the same school all 5 days a week.  So, you can imagine the logistics and schedule issues we have.  Then throw in a doctor's appt or somewhere else I have to be... it gets quite crazy. Then starting Sept 23rd, I have night school from 6pm to 9:30pm Monday through Friday. It will get very interesting here in a few weeks!

Mike's first varsity football game is tonight.  We are so excited to go.  Unfortunately, Matt will be staying home with Max because we want to actually get to watch the game and not run around the track chasing Max or trying to keep him off the field.  A bunch of my family is going and a few friends as well to cheer him and his team on.  GO MATS!  GO #88!  We'll keep you posted on the scores!

I am officially enrolled at MTI College on Madison, right here 3 blocks from the house!  I will be a certified Medical Billing & Coding Specialist by Jan 2012 - maybe sooner if I test out of a few of the basic classes.  The medical industry is one of the few that is still booming during the recession, and it is predicted to be the biggest industry of growth for the next 5 years at least.  I figure I can get in somewhere (preferably a hospital) to start, then work my way up, or into other admin positions.  With the classes I have at school, there are so many other medical admin positions that I could also do.  So, I go to school at night and do my homework and studying while the kids are in preschool.  hmmmm... I will be so busy....I think I will relax it up for the next few!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Max's 1st Day of Preschool & 1st Ride on the School Bus!

It was SO hard to leave him at Preschool this morning!  He was too busy playing with the Playdough that he didn't even hear me tell him I was leaving, so I hope the meltdown was minimal when he realized I was gone!  Will find out from the teacher tonight.  He was so excited to go though and all smiles when the bus pulled up!!  They put this strap on him just so he doesn't roam while the bus is moving.  His bus driver home is such a nice older man and he said Max was a very good boy!  Max was slow to walk in the house, quick to eat lunch, and even faster to fall asleep!  He must have had a busy day at school!  Mommy is so happy for him even through the tears! 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

PROJECT FINISHED! and Preschool starting soon.

Yeay!  I finally have the kids' room finished and they are sleeping in there again!  WooHoo!  Yes, it took me 3 weeks, but it was worth it.  The room looks so cute half Max's theme and half Kaitlynn's. 

Both are from their crib sets so that was no money put out.  The paint was left over from when they removed the popcorn ceiling and repainted it before we moved back in... no cost there.  We did buy the blocks that hold the crib quilts up on the wall for $20 at JoAnn's.  But everything else was from their previous room... just now fresh paint, rearranged furniture, and a little redecorating and it looks all new and cute!  Now on to the next room... I have already rearranged the playroom and had the carpets cleaned, but I still want it repainted as well and some Disney posters and academic posters for the walls.  That will have to wait to have the money for posters, and the landlord to agree to buy the paint.  The entry and dinning area are my next big projects.  Because it is cosmetic and not neccessity, our landlord won't take care of the 1970 wallpaper that is peeling and collecting moisture causing mold.  I have started pushing the issue that the mold is a health issue and we would be willing to do the labor to remove the wallpaper, retexture, and repaint, if he would buy the materials.  We'll see how that goes...

Max and KJ have Preschool Orientation on the 30th, home visits from their teachers the rest of that week sometime, and then actually start school on the 7th of September.  I cannot wait on one hand, but so sad on the other.  I don't want my babies to grow up, but I am excited for their new adventure of their childhood. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I hate painting

I was so ready to paint the kids room - so many set backs and delays... but tonight it finally got started... I was so excited!  I suck at it.  It doesn't look very good and I don't like painting.  This was my first time painting and I thought, "How hard can it be?"  I pick things up pretty quickly and usually take to a new skill fast.  I suck... plain and simple.. I suck.  My friend from high school Rocky is coming over tomorrow to save the day.  Matt has to work and is geting the kids down now, so he can't do it.  I am determined to have the kids in their room this weekend, so my buddy Roc is coming over tomorrow after work to help out.  What a friend!! 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cookies, BBQing, Painting, and Max's Birthday

Last night we tried to watch Clash of the Titans, but Max just wouldn't go to be so we were constantly interrupted.  Matt finally gave up watching the movie and turned to the kitchen to feed his chocolate chip cookie craving.  There were none made, so he decided to make a batch at 11pm last night.  They were YUMMY!  We finally had to put Max in bed between us and watch the movie from bed.  It was a really good movie with a few new paths different than the original.  But we didn't get to sleep until 2am!  I am dragging ass this morning that's for sure.  I'm really glad I only need to do some light housework before a few friends come over tonight to BBQ.  Cooking Triptip on the grill, and making asparagus appetizers... they are so good!  I'll make a big salad, and one guest is bringing the garlic bread, so I think we'll be set!

Matt is bringing home the painting equipment that is at his work.  He thought it was still here at the house, but when we finally went to paint... we couldn't!  UGH!  This is turning into a two week project!  The kids haven't been sleeping right since they are not in their normal beds, so we are all tired more than not these days.  Tomorrow night is supposed to be the painting time, so then Thursday we'll put the furniture back together and set up the room for them to sleep in there again.  3 weeks until school starts, so I think we will have enough time to get them used to their room again and get through the TV at night withdrawals.  Now that they will be going to school, I am taking the TV out of their room. Wish us luck with that one!

Max's actual birthday is on Friday, but we'll be having his party at Grandma Sharon's on Saturday.  Thinking we'll just stick with cake and ice cream.... might be too many people to make Shrimp Boil.... I CANT BELIEVE HE IS 3 ALREADY!  My baby is turning 3 and going to preschool... my heart hurts....

Monday, August 2, 2010

So much going on...

One of my friends commented that they were just so busy in the summertime.  I thought, yeah, so are we... wait, we're always busy, not just in the summer!  We have for Mike: Football practices, dental appts, and Physical Therapy; we have for Kaitlynn just medication checks every three months and dentist appointments to get into Preschool; For Max, well, there have just been so many doctor's appointments after the accident, weekly speech therapy, and dental appointments scheduled as a Preschool enrollment requirement; Matt has work each day that we have to schedule car usage with only one vehicle right now and his doctor appointments have just become less frequent; I have my own doctor's appointments to make up for all the years I didn't get things taken care of, dental appointments to get that caught up as well, and I'll be taking care of my Big Sister after her surgery later this month for 4 days; and then we all have all the functions to do each week with the grandparents, aunties, and friends.  We try really hard to get one night a week in to have adult time whether it be at home while the kids are at grandma's or if we can actually afford to go out and spend some time together.  Just so much going on...

Max's speech therapy is going really well.  The sessions themselves are rough as he knows when Heather walks in the door it's work time and he gets frustrated so he doesn't want anything to do with her.  We work with him and get him to do the activities or exercises, but it's hard to keep him interested.  Later though, after Heather is gone until the next week, he does use the things we taught him or worked with him on.  It's so rough the day of the therapy, but now I am seeing the results and how worth it that it is when he talks more and more!

Kaitlynn  told me she didn't want me to take pictures for their scrapbooks, she wanted then in the magazines.  So I went with it and we brushed her hair long, put a cute outfit she picked out, and I threw a sheet over a couch on the playroom for her to sit on.  I gave her the green light to do her thing and I would just take the pictures... here are a few... I am so in trouble!

Last week Max was being a terror one day and had a dozen eggs cracked and smeared into the playroom floor.  This is not the first time he has done that with the eggs, usually it is on the kitchen floor though!  Two days later he got a hold of the peanut butter jar and finger painted his bedroom and himself. I couldn't get it all out of the carpet for anything! Either the same day or the very next day, he poured a whole gallon of apple juice on his bedroom floor.  Some of you might be thinking, "Where were you when he was doing these things?!?" Well, I was probably cleaning up the mess he had just previously made, went out to switch the laundry from washer to dryer, or once I was even in the bathroom when he struck.  Kaitlynn is a good distraction, too. Max has been known to get into trouble when I am dealing with Kaitlynn for one reason or another.  They even tag team me at times and alternate making a mess while I am cleaning up the last one... and people wonder why there are baby gates stacked one on top of the other to keep Max contained in his room... I need time to clean up a mess without him making another, and we also use it to keep him in his room at bedtime.  Without it, he wonders around the house and can keep himself up for hours!  Being gated in, he gets bored and falls asleep.  There are no toys in there, they are all in the playroom, so he has nothing to play with and keep himself awake with.  Anyways, my carpets needed cleaned and my steam cleaner just wasn't cutting it anymore.  Thank God I have a good friend, Rocky (who owns Code 3 Restoration & Carpet Care) who came last weekend to save the day!  He has the industrial size steam cleaner that is in a whole van!  I had all but the living room done!  Next time we'll have him do that room as well as the couches he said!!  WOO HOO!!!  Here is Max and the Peanut Butter...

Getting the carpets clean totally motivated me to get some other things going as far as projects around here go.  I reorganized the playroom and rearranged the furniture.  Now it has more room for the kids to run and play in there, and it takes the focus of the room off of the TV.  I also got Matt to agree to help me paint the kids room. The last tenant really did a number on most of the wall in the house whether it be paint or wallpaper.  My kids just help make worse!  So I went filling pin, nail, and accidental holes all over the room.  Matt did some of the more advanced texture and etc.  Now the room is ready for paint!  And the guys who took the acoustic off the ceiling right before we moved in left some paint in the garage.  It's enough to do at least that room if not another!  No money on paint and our own labor... I can afford that!  Next I want to attack the 1970 wallpaper that is falling down in the dining room, entry, and master bed & bath....

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Poor Hubby & Happy Birthday Gma!

A few weeks ago Kelly & Jean came down and we tried to take some pictures of all three of the grandkids together as a present for Gma Sharon.  We did get some great shots individually, but Max wasn't really into it and didn't really want to be there... here are a few that we included in Gma's framed present...

and did I mention Max wasn't cooperating?....

no we didn't include that one...

Today we actually got to give her the gifts of all the pictures in one frame and a second frame with individual 5x7's of each grandkid.  They turned out beautiful!  Jean did a good job putting it together and picking out nice frames!  Gma loved them!!  We made her a big spaghetti, salad, and garlic breag lunch, and we played with the kids when they found their new dress up clothes in the toy room.  The kids are staying the night there and Daddy and I were supposed to go to a BBQ at an old friend of mine's house for an adult night out.  Unfortunately, Matt hurt his back a few days ago doing Gma's yard work and it just kept getting worse each day.  Today he could barely move and I had to take him to my uncle's to borrow a muscle relaxer.  It helped some, but the hip band that he gave Matt worked really well!  It squeezes around the hips as tight as you can get it and his back pain was reduced so much!  It still hurt, but Matt could stand up straight, walk without looking like he was 80 and could take a deep breath. It's a pretty cool little belt...

So we are spending our evening at home with Panda Express and a Red Box movie hanging on the couch... or at least we were until Matt started snoring in the middle of the movie.  I wasn't that into it anyways and ended up here on the computer.  So I'll let him nap for a bit and then see if he is up to getting an ice cream or something sweet... I need something sweet tonight...

Oh, and I forgot to tell everyone, Kaitlynn started reading!!  We were doing some patterning worksheets and she could read the words Yellow, Red, and Blue, without the color being shown!!  She finished the whole worksheet perfectly!  So awesome, yet bittersweet... they are just growing up too fast. Once again, I have to tell my husband how grateful I am that I can stay home even during this financially difficult time and not miss a single milestone of their childhood.  Remind me I said that when he pisses me off next time... :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Nightmare Continued

Sorry to just break off like that, but I have been having issues still after the whole ordeal and couldn't keep going.  It's hard to relive so soon, but I know it will be cleansing for me to do this... write it all out and get it out of my head and onto paper (blog screen) instead.

So once they were done with Max's xrays, we walked up to the next floor where he would be staying - the ICU unit.  My mom, Kaitlynn, and Sharon stayed in the waiting area while Matt and I went with Max.  They had told us he was being kept at least overnight and maybe longer depending on what his injuries looked like.  It took 4 hours for a doctor to come talk to me.  Matt had already gone back to the campgrounds with our moms and KJ.  He was beating himself up and wasn't able to really keep his composure for very long.  Kaitlynn had come in to see Max and she wouldn't touch him or look at him.  She was so afraid of him and for him that we had to take her out.  It was best for Matt to go back to the campgrounds and distract her (and thankfully himself).  I stayed and pushed for the neurosurgeon to review the tests and tell me what the hell was going on with my son.  He was still in a neck brace and hooked up to machines reading his BP, heartrate, etc.  They had cut his clothes off so he had only a diaper on.  It was so hard to see him like that.  Finally the neurosurgeon came in and said he was confident that Max had no injuries from his fall other than a serious concussion that they wanted to monitor overnight.  They wanted to make sure he didn't show any signs of a brain bleed either.  He told me that if Max had hit his head 1 centinmeter lower, he would had snapped his neck and probably woundn't be with us.  I asked him, "Why would you tell me that?!?" and tried not to start sobbing.  He explained that Max was lucky on each injury he had and he wanted me to know just HOW lucky we were.  If Max had hit his knee just a little over left OR right, he would hav busted his kneecap or blown out the side of his knee.  The bruising and swelling on the top of one foot was so bad, they were sure it was brioken... but no.  He used it just fine and the xrays showed no break, fracture, hairline, nothing.  Each injury sustained the least amount of damage possible.  Dr Sun wanted us to understand that someone was definately watching out for our son. He took the neck collar off and left.  I was very grateful that a nurse had prepared me for Dr Sun, the famous neurosurgeon because I would have reacted very differently otherwise.  He lived in Sunnyvale so he worked out of the Oakland Children's Hospital primarily.  He also traveled all over the country to consult on other cases.  He is considered one of the best pediatric neurosurgeons in the country.  He was cocky because of it, too. So I was polite and not pushy with him, but made sure he answered my questions without insulting him or showing my absolute fear and frustration.  After that we dealt with all the other residents and nurses working there. 

Max refused to eat all night and was kept on pain meds throughout the night due to his head pain.  He would hold his head and cry making it hurt more, so the crying would come down to a whimper.  It was heartbreaking to watch and not be able to make it better!!  All night if the monitor started beeping I would fly up to him and make sure his BP was ok, that his IV hadn't kinked again, that he was still breathing, and make sure it was just a lead coming off.  I was so afraid and anxious, I might have gotten 2 hours of sleep all together.  I was exhausted, but kept panicing everytime he cried or heard beeping, or just to walk over and make sure he was still ok.  That was the worst night of my life. I couldn't break down and sob though because that would mean I was scared, and if I was scared, that would mean there was something wrong with Max.  There couldn't ba anything wrong with my baby.  He had enough to deal with trying to just learn to talk correctly!  God could not be so cruel as to hurt him any further.  This is what I was thinking at the time, not how I feel now.  But the intensity was so overwhelming, all I could do was stay strong and alert, otherwise I would freak out or fall apart and be no good to Max or anyone.  It just kept going through my mind that this was really happening and my son was hurt in a special hospital for hurt and sick children... hurt babies like mine.  I ept telling myself that he was going to be ok, yet still thought, "How will we be able to deal with a baby who will have seizures the rest of his life?? How unfair to him!"  "What if the bleed starts and we lose him?" "What if he goes into a coma?"  All things they said were possiblilties... all things that I didn't think I could make it through.  I had to force myself not to think of those possibilities and just think positive.  It was so damn hard!

The next morning Max woke up starving.  He hadn't eaten very much the morning before his accident, and he had thrown up in the helicopter and during the tests when he first got there.  He had nothing on his belly and I could totally understand why he was hollering for "EAT!"  If you know Max though, you know I couldn't just give him a little sip or a few bites and have him be okay with it.  He wanted more and faster just like when he was a baby, like now, he is an eating machine.  The first time he threw up I thought it was just because he overate.  So did the nurses.  The doctor that morning thought so too and suggested he try to get up and walk around. He was so excite to get unhooked from the monitors and IV!! We walked back and forth around the ICU unit.  Max was so aware of the sick babies and the other hurt children.  He was bothered by the large 12 year old boy in the next bed over from Max.  The boy had been shot in the ye, in the stomach, and three times down the leg.  He was disfigured, swollen, and bandaged up quite a bit.  Max was afraid of him as well as sad for him.  He backed away, but said, "Oh ouchie" several times.  He said, "Baby" when we past the little 13 month old baby that never woke up or cried.  The one that no one ever came to see when we were there.  The poor thing that was held by the nurses every chance they got, but was all alone.  That one killed me.  It was so tiny it only looked 4 or 5 months old.  They were constatly trying to keep it's breathing and heart rate under control.  Max looked at everyone, wanted to touch every machine and push every button.  As hard as it was to walk around with him like this, I was so happy he was up at all and wanting to push buttons.  We finally made our way back to his crib cage, and he was tired and thirsty.  He guzzled down more juice and promptly puked it and everything else in his tummy all over his bed.  He continued to dry heave for the next few hours in between cat naps... or more like getting in a cat nap in between dry heaving.  He became lathargic again and the nurses said it wasn't looking too good.  He probably wasn't going to get to go home that day.  I was so worried all over again.

When the doctor finally came around again, he assured me that Max was just weak from lack of real food and from throwing up, but that he was just having syptoms of the concussion.  I could expect the vomitting and head pain for several days, but that they were symptoms I could treat at home.  Max was going home that day after all!!!  He gave my a list of things to watch for and back in the RV we went... straight back to Sacramento! 

Max did fine that evening, but went into refusing to eat mode and dry heaving for hours that night.  Daddy stayed up with him and said it was an average of 20-30 minutes between dry heaving sessions for most of the night.  Max wasn't doing so hot and I was getting scared again.  He couldnt keep the Tylenol down, so his pain must have been horrific.  I got him into the doctor's office piggybacking on Mike's appt that we had already had scheduled.  She examined him and called a fellow Kasier doctor who was also a pediatric neurosurgeon out of Roseville.  He wanted Max in ASAP for an emergency brain scan to make sure there was no leakage of blood in his brain.  I was in a panic all over again.  The next few hours were so very sressfula nd the fear was intense all over again.  For the first time I am admitting that I asked a nurse to sit with Max so I could use the restroom.  He was passed out and I was feeling nausiated.  I went to the bathroom and puked my guts out and sobbed over the toilet.  I just knew it was too good to be true that he could come out of a fall like that with bruises and a concussion.  I was falling apart alone in a bathroom and gave in to the fear.  It took me 10 minutes or so to compose myself and get back to Max... because what if he woke up and I wasn't there??!?!  Thats the only thing that got me out of that bathroom.  The nurse looked at me and squeezed my arm when I got back to them and said to hang in there.  It was appearantly obvious I had been crying.  Even the CT Tech treated me like I was fragile, so I could only imagine how I looked.   I am not one to really ever look fragile.  After the scan we had to wait in the waiting room for a radiologist to read the scan to see if there was a leak or anything else that might be dangerous for Max to walk around with.  Sharon and Matt arrived at the hospital while we were in the waiting room.  It seemed like forever for someone to come out and tell us what they found.  They found nothing.  No leak, bleeding, swelling... nothing... I cried with relief. 

In the next few days, Max was back up and running around.  He was flushing things down the toilet, fighting with his siter, making messes everywhere... adn laughing again.  That sound of him running around laughing made all the messes and fighting and screaming worth it... he was ok again...


Max and I are both still dealing with what the doctors said was Post Tramatic Stress.  Max wakes up sometimes gasping and trying to tear an invisible IV out, or claws at his face trying to pull off the oxygen tube from his nose that is no longer there.  That is becoming less frequent, and he sleeps almost normal at night now, two weeks later.  My doctor knew I had had a stress anxiety attack the week before Max's accident and ended up in the ER.  She and I both knew it was really bad timing for it all to happen within a few days of each other, and that I was pretty emotionally overwhelmed. She prescribed Ativan to help me when the panic and anxiety started to get the best of me.  I am doing better... I only check on Max once or twice a night now instead of every hour... I don't coddle him anymore at all and try not to overreact when the kids get to rough housing and Max comes close to banging his head.  Poor KJ and Mike got punished a few times in the beginning as if they had tried to purposely kill Max... I was going overboard with the protective Mama Bear Claws... but we're both doing much better now and I am so much more appreciative of each of my children's different personalities, quirks, abilities, challenges, etc.  I dont have so many expectations, just grateful that they are healthy happy and mine.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Catching Up With Life After A Nightmare

I just want to rewind the last 2 weeks and start over, keeping most of it from happening!  Too much gone wrong in too small of a time frame.... mommy overload!

I had to go to the ER 2 weeks ago because my chest was tightening and I had awful pain going down the right arm. They said it was stress and I needed to keep myself much more calm or I would start doing physical damage to my heart.  I thought going to the beach for several days for the 4th of July holiday was going to help do just that... boy was I wrong.

I did get to spend Saturday before the 4th on the beach with my hubby, my mom, and my two little ones!  That was great and we had fun in both the water and the sand.  I took a bunch of cute pictures, too.  The next day I was called out of the showers at the KOA Campgrounds by some lady saying my son was hurt really bad and they called 911.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to throw on a bra while you are still wet?!?  Slight panic set in and I was thinking he fell again on the bottom step of the RV... maybe he busted his head open and needed stitches.  I ran to the RV and no one was there! I ran back to the showers and grabbed a maid asking for a ride to the front where my baby was.  I didn't realize until later, she didn't speak English and somehow figured out I was the mother of the hurt boy. As we got closer to the playground, a huge crowd was gathering and sirens were going off like crazy.  There were fire trucks and cop cars everywhere.  I yelled to the 1st officer I saw asking where my baby was.  He asked if I was the mother of Max and I started really panicking.  He pointed over to the playground structure and in the middle of a the small crowd of people, I could see Matt's back.  He was kneeling on the ground bent over.  The next thing I remember is pushing people out of the way trying to get to Max.  They were holding him down and keeping his head from moving.  I went to his face and tried to tell him Mommy was here and it was going to be ok.  I looked up at Matt and he was sobbing.  I asked him what happened and he looked up and said, "He fell." Someone pulled him away and I went back to Max. We were at the bottom of two parallel ladders that went 10-12 feet up into the bottom of the play structure.  They said he fell and bounced back and forth between the ladders.  The ambulance came and they got him onto a board and strapped him in and collared his neck.  They were asking questions I didn't have the answers to having been in the shower, so Matt came back over to help.  I remember little of what was said other than that Max was unconscious when he hit the ground and his eyes were rolling in the back of his head when Matt got to him.  Max and I got into the ambulance and they drove us down to the bottom of the hill into a pasture and put in an IV and started to hook him up to oxygen.  When I questioned where were we going, they told me they were waiting for the LifeFlight helicopter to come.  I was crying by this time and Max had been screaming since I got to him.  Inside I was freaking out.  Suddenly he stopped crying and it looked like he fell asleep.  I was gently shaking him and talking to him to wake up, no sleeping, and that he needed to look at Mommy. The EMT told me to stay calm, that he was seizing.  I remember trying to take deep breaths and wanted to stay calm so they would let me stay with Max, but I am pretty sure the sobbing and deep breaths at the same time sounded pretty bad. I guy in flight gear stepped into the back of the ambulance and introduced himself as Rick. He said he was going to take Max to the chopper and then onto Oakland Children's Hospital since Max was having seizures.  Everyone spoke up at once and said it was the best kid's hospital and that's where they would take their child.  I said ok, let's go!  Rick looked over at me and said, "I'm sorry but you cannot ride with him.  You'll have to meet us there." I cannot recall everything precisely as I said it, but it was something to the affect of there is no way in hell you are taking my 3 year old baby on a helicopter when he is having seizures and expect me to drive for an hour before I can get back to him.  There was probably some other things said and some flying adjectives, but Rick calmly explained that I had no flight experience and no training of what to do on a helicopter.  He told me they had a mini ER in there and that if something went wrong, there would be no room for me and I would just get in there way of helping Max.  As a person this registered, made sense, and I was ok with it, but as a mother, I was dying inside and could only pray that nothing would happen when I wasn't there.  He was alone and scared and didn't understand what was happening to him.  How could I let that happen to him?!?! Rick picked him up on the back board and headed towards the chopper.  I couldn't bare to look thinking that is not the last image I wanted in my brain of my son should something happen.  I didn't know if I would find my son alive or not when we got to the hospital.  I couldn't help myself and turned to look just as Rick was handing Max up into the helicopter and stepping up in with him.  I do remember covering my face and sobbing.  I was falling apart and my legs were coming out from underneath me.  The officers closest to me came and held me up until a man from the campground staff asked me to come with him, they had a ride waiting to get to the hospital.  He drove me in his golf cart to the top of the hill where I found Matt holding Kaitlynn and both of our mothers standing next to him. There was a huge crowd of over a hundred people. I felt like everyone of them was looking at me.  I buried my face into Matt's chest and sobbed again.  They finally brought a big crew cab truck around and we all piled in headed for Oakland.  That was the longest drive of my life from Petaluma to Oakland.  I was so on edge and anxious.  my chest was so tight and hurting, but I didn't dare say anything to keep me from getting to Max.  Once we got to the hospital, they made us sit downstairs and wait for someone to come and get all the releases signed, medical info documented and tell us what was happening with Max.  I was so short and impatient with the poor guy.  They had procedures and I just wanted my son!  He was getting xrays when we found him and had calmed down they said.  My heart was in my throat when I heard him whimper on the xray table and was thanking God that he was alive.

Since this was so hard to go back through and actually write, I am crying again and need to go take some anxiety meds.  I will finish later or tomorrow or whenever... sorry guys...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Change of Plans

Damn Mechanic didn't get the boat done in time!!  No weekend on the delta! Pretty bummed, really was looking forward to it lately.  Introducing the kids to it, watching them fall in love with it like their Daddy, relaxation as we just hang out with the sway of the boat... *sigh* 

So Sharon, my Mother-In-Law suggested we take the RV to Dillon Beach again like we did last summer.  The kids love the beach no matter which one we go to.  We are even talking about driving 30 minutes from where we stay just to watch the fireworks over the San Francisco Bay... Kaitlynn was very upset about not going on the boat, but going to the beach made up for it. I have invited my mother for the weekend also.  She has done so much for us lately, it's the least we could do.  So until Monday - Have a Great, Safe 4th of July!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Where do I start?!?!

So much has happened in the last few weeks...  I'll try to start at the beginning, but forgive me if I jump around a bit... LOL
Max started speech therepy with Heather who comes to our house once a week. With what she has taught me and with Max enjoying the praise he gets from talking, he's doing so great! He calms down from being frustreated much easier now. He uses his words sometimes without being prompted, too, which is way cool!! He still likes to make messes....

I got my teeth fixed.  I love my dentist!  I had no pain at all during the procedure.  I can smile again and no longer resemble white trash.  I know it affected my self esteem, but had no idea just how badly it was.  Feeling this awesome got me to go running again.  I used to run when I was younger, but with KJ and Max the past few years, I didn't have any extra energy to "exercise".  I went a few times and then got my wonderful sunburn which I'll talk about further down....  I have a hard time with the dentist, soo I have to take Valium before I go to help calm me down.  Thing is, they make me feel yucky for the rest of the day.  No motivation, no energy, no nothing on the days I have dental work.  Oh, then there was the day I took the valium and went to the dentist's office only to find out I was on the wrong week on my calendar.  My appt was the following week... duh!

I have only had one other sunburn worse than this one.  That was when  my cousins and I went rafting.  We thought we'd be smart and not get off the river where everyone else gets off.  We were going to float down to where grandma lived right on the river.  People get off in certain places for a reason.... because after that area, the current goes to the bottom of the river and the top is pretty motionless.  We were stuck paddling for hours!  Trish ended up in the ER getting fluids and treated for burns, Wendy is half Mexican so she didn't burn as bad as I did.  I burned everywhere ( I was still skinny enought o wear a bikini then) and couldn't even sleep at night laying on the sheets let alone wear clothes.  i should have gone for medical care as well, but didn't.  So this recent burn wasn't quite so bad, but it was stupid.  I have avoided the sun for years now.  Once you have one version of cancer, you try to avoid the other kinds.  I used to go out in the sun and never worry about it - I tanned!  My grandmother is full blooded Potruguese, so I have an olive tint to my skin thanks to her.  But after paleness for so long, I burned this bad in just a few hours.  My shoulders are all that's left of the burn, and they have a weird giraffe print to them where some skin has peeled and some hasn't.  It's so gross. 

So you can imagine how much got done the past few weeks between the groggy Valium days and the burn don't touch me days.  My house looks awful. Sure it got picked up and basic dishes/trash done regularly, but there is crap everywhere that belongs somewhere else.  No organization anywhere.  And the kids room - oh, my... Max and Kaitlynn did a good job on it.  SO I am determined to have the house cleaned and the laundry caught up by Friday afternoon when I go take the stress test.  Oh, yeah, the stress test for my heart...  *hanging head down*

Yesterday morning my head was pounding.  While making food for the kids' breakfast, pain went through my inner bicept area of my arm and down to my hand.  It made my hand throb for a few minutes.  It went away and I didn't think anything of it.  Then Matt came home from work so that he didn't work in the heat.  he works 1/2 shift in the early a.m. and then the other 1/2 of his shift in the later p.m. to beat the heat... this is Sacramento after all.  He and I had a misunderstanding and I got mad and yelled.  The pain in my head and my arm were back and hurt a lot more.  It lasted for almost a 1/2 hour.  Then I was ok again as long as I stayed calm.  I also felt lousy and tired all day.  So I knew something was wrong.  I called my mother to come sit with the kids.  She rushed right over and even brought my Grammy.  I had Matt drop me off at the ER on his way back to work and figured he'd get his second shift in and be on his way home by the time I was done in the ER.  I didn't think anything was seriously wrong like a heart attack, but something was off.  On the way there Matt and I started bickering again... we are married for 7 yrs now and getting that itch... so again the pain started.  My chest got tight and hurt a little, the arm pain was throbbing all the way down, and I couldn't catch my breath.  We arrived at the ER just about at the worst of it and they rushed my back for an immediate EKG and chest xrays, bloodwork, the works within the first 30 minutes I was there.  My heart looked fine, but my blood pressure was not.  The doctor can in a few times and redid the EKG and it kept looking fine.  What a relief!  But the blood pressure was slowly getting better abd he said they cuff went off when I was sleeping and my BP was normal finally.  The longer I satyed there and stayed calm, the better I was doing.  He told me to go home and stay calm... I laughed at him.  With a teenager who is such a challenge, two preschoolers ( wow -  I cant say toddlers anymore - that hurts) anyways, and a marriage that feels it's is on shaky ground, financial problems, Max's speech therepy, preschool enrollment that has more paperwork than buying a house, family issues (actually my family this time around), appointment after appointment... and he wants me to stay calm.  HELLO - my normal self without any life problems isn't even calm!!  The doctor told me to do what I needed to do regarless in order to stay calm.  Take walks, run, drink, read, write, all the things that I like to do... and the ok from my doctor to have more than one drink a day HAHAHA that was great!  He admitted it was one of his stress relievers to have a high ball in the evening when he comes home from a hard day in the ER, too, so I don't feel so bad.

Now to see if we get the boat back in time for the 4th....

Saturday, June 12, 2010

And she did it again....

is what you see walking by...

then looking close...

And lifting the basket just a little, we find....

She is just like her Dad... they can fall asleep anywhere!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Several days ago, Kaitlynn gave me a heart attack and disappeared.  I checked outside and called for her in front and back, I searched under beds and in laundry baskets she likes to hid in, and even in the bathtub where she learned to hide from Dad during Hide and Seek.  I was looking all over the house for her and was about ready to call the Police and Matt.  I thought I needed to look in the playroom just one last time... here is what I had been seeing each time I walked through that room....
For some reason, I thought to pick up the top pillow... I have no idea why, I just knew I had to check that before calling in the cops and freaking Matt out, too.  With the flash on the camera this time, you can see what I found....
No wonder she didnt answer me when I was calling for her!  She had fallen asleep after hiding!
Max has learned "I don't want to!", "No Way!", and my favorite, "I love you Mommy!"  Guess you have to take the good and the bad.... <3

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Major Anxiety

Ok - I don't do pain well.  I don't do shots either.  Needless to say, I hate the dentist.  He is a very nice, gentle, calm man that I see now, and I like him very much, I just hate everything he does as his job.  I had such a hard time with the exam and xrays, he prescribed a valium for me to take the night before the next appointment with him and an additional pill one hour before the appointment.  He said we'll start there.... doesn't give me a whole lot of confidence... I am thinking we will have to do the gas on top of the valiums... I am so freaking anxious about tomorrows extraction and cleaning, even the valium isn't making me tired!  I don't want to go!!!!  We have several appointments set an each hinges on the success of the one before it, so I have to go!  I just keep reminding myself that I want to smile again.  I want to actually look happy in the pictures taken with my children, my husband, and my family...  I want to leave better looking memories for my kids... I had a great smile and I want it back!


Speaking of family... I have to acknowledge to everyone who will read this, how wonderful my mother is.  She has really stepped up to being the mom I thought I had missed out on.  She helps with the kids, she picks up and drops off any one of us as needed, she rearranges her schedule to suit my needs, she is a reality check when most wouldn't dare say it to me, and she is so much support that I never expected.  I had learned to not see what I was missing, but now, I know what I was missing and am so thrilled to have it after all.  Thank you Mom, for all that you do, for who you have become, and for being my mom.  I wouldn't have survived these last few months without all of your help, love, and support.


Matt opened the mail today!!!  CRAP!!! He found his Father's Day present in the mail and couldn't help himself.  He just had to open it.  I was so mad hahahahaha!  But I am doing better at getting over it, and now am planning on helping the kids make presents for him.  He loves those gifts the best.  Yes, even better than the Hop Lover's Guide that he opened for his beer brewing.... barely better *laughing*

Friday, June 4, 2010

Yeay! It's Friday!

Matt took today off so he could do the breaks on the van and get it smoged.  Later he is going to Stockton to test out the boat.  The kids and I are home cleaning, playing, and watching Alice In Wonderland.  I loved it when Kaitlynn said, "It doesn't matter if Alice is big or little.  She's still Alice inside." Awww... she is so sweet... when she wants to be!

Been debating back and forth with my long time friend Joe, on Facebook today and last night.  His view is so male and I just dont get it. Usually I agree with Joe and take the hard line, strict parenting, and shut up and get it done attitude.  But this is a homeschooled boy that doesnt play very well, getting picked on by the better players, parents like JOE saying he shouldn't be playing at all a sport with such a high fail ratio, and that only gets to be around these other kids when he goes to practice and games.  Let him decide if he wants to play, let him learn to get a thick skin to the other kids' critism, and give him a chance to learn some life lessons that he probably won't get to learn anywhere else!  He can't play because he sucks??!?!  He is 11 years old!!!  Every kid should have a chance to be on a team and play wether they are good or not to learn what being a team is about.  To learn what hard work and dedication it takes to do some things.  To enjoy playing even if he is a little afraid of the ball... Just feel like Joe is being the bully that we all hated in grade school because none of us were good enough to play on his team.  Reminds me of the movie with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson where the soldier gets killed and it ends up because he was weak.  I love the black guys line, that they did do something wrong, they were supposed to protect those kind of people, the ones who cant protect themselves.  Smack the crap out of me if I become a parent who wants a kid off my kids team because he sucks!

On a lighter note, above are pics of KJ and Max in the Coach on the way to SoCal last month.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Blogwear in Honor of our Wine Tour this weekend!!!

I am very excited to be going on a private wine tour this weekend at Todd Taylor Winery!  Going to have some great company and a babysitter has come through so my hubby gets to actually join me in an adult afternoon!!!  WOOHOO!!! 
With money being so scarce these days, I have resorted to extreme coupon hunting.  But as embarrassing as it can be to use a coupon for all 7 items at the Target checkout... I saved $23.00 off of a $50 shopping trip!!  I know what I need, I check the product website for Manufacturer Coupons, I google the product name +coupons and find some on other websites, and I have registered for free with several coupon collecting websites. I even found one that adds the coupon you choose straight to your supermarkets club card!  Hey, it's saving us much needed money these days!!!
Max is starting speech therepy next week.  Our wonderful worker at Alta Regional set it up for him to receive therepy in our home once a week until he turns three.  Her name is Heather and she is through the Easter Seals organization.  She sounds very sweet on the phone.  Having the same person each week will help Max get comfortable enough with someone to not have to get through that stranger shyness each week, so he will be able to focus on learning instead. I am so excited for him to be on the road to talking!!  Oh, he and Kaitlynn will be attending full time preschool in August when school starts up!!  KJ cant start Kindergarten because her birthday is past the cut off.  That's ok with us, just more PreK prep for keeping her ahead of the game.  Both in school full time.... oh, they are getting so big! *sniffle sniffle*

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Free Red Box Movies

I found this website online that gave a few codes for free RedBox movies.  I tried the "breakroom" and "dvdonme" codes and both worked.  I did use seperate machines to use one code on each... don't know if that matters....  just thought to share!!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back to Blogging

I stalled out on writing my book(s) and still need that daily writing fix, so I am going to see if blogging cures the itch for now.  I keep getting caught up in the writing because when I type and can't stand to see the mistakes, and I go back and fix them immediately.  Unfortunately, this usually messes up the creative flow and I lose where I was going with the scene.  Matt downloaded for me a software program that types what I speak, unfortunately it is not a very good program and doesn't hear very well. *laughing*
I think I have also stalled out on the writing due to stress and chaos reigning in our home these days.  Money is barely coming in when you compare it to the bills, Mike is having some teenager struggles and it's touch and go with him working on them - typical teen UGHH, finally having decent medical insurance, we have at least one of us going to the doctor each week, and sometimes two or three appointments a week, and Max is very frustrated these days as he cannot communicate what he wants or needs very well.  Then add in my dental appointments, football fundraising meetings, and Max's speech therepy set-up appointments, and you have a full week!  To make it worse, we have only one car right now causing us to juggle Matt's work with all the other stuff... stress and chaos reign and creative juices stop flowing or flow out of whack. Yes, I'm whinning. 

So this weekend we have a private wine tour scheduled, and no sitter.  I will be calling in a few alternatives and pray they don't already have plans.  But this will be the first "day off" we've had together, or at all, from parental duties or work in about three weeks.  So I must find someone!!  It will be with some people we used to go to church with, who we haven't been able to connect with since leaving that church.  It will be great to see them and catch up!

Testing out the layout and templates...

lets see if I can get this to work...