Saturday, July 24, 2010

Poor Hubby & Happy Birthday Gma!

A few weeks ago Kelly & Jean came down and we tried to take some pictures of all three of the grandkids together as a present for Gma Sharon.  We did get some great shots individually, but Max wasn't really into it and didn't really want to be there... here are a few that we included in Gma's framed present...

and did I mention Max wasn't cooperating?....

no we didn't include that one...

Today we actually got to give her the gifts of all the pictures in one frame and a second frame with individual 5x7's of each grandkid.  They turned out beautiful!  Jean did a good job putting it together and picking out nice frames!  Gma loved them!!  We made her a big spaghetti, salad, and garlic breag lunch, and we played with the kids when they found their new dress up clothes in the toy room.  The kids are staying the night there and Daddy and I were supposed to go to a BBQ at an old friend of mine's house for an adult night out.  Unfortunately, Matt hurt his back a few days ago doing Gma's yard work and it just kept getting worse each day.  Today he could barely move and I had to take him to my uncle's to borrow a muscle relaxer.  It helped some, but the hip band that he gave Matt worked really well!  It squeezes around the hips as tight as you can get it and his back pain was reduced so much!  It still hurt, but Matt could stand up straight, walk without looking like he was 80 and could take a deep breath. It's a pretty cool little belt...

So we are spending our evening at home with Panda Express and a Red Box movie hanging on the couch... or at least we were until Matt started snoring in the middle of the movie.  I wasn't that into it anyways and ended up here on the computer.  So I'll let him nap for a bit and then see if he is up to getting an ice cream or something sweet... I need something sweet tonight...

Oh, and I forgot to tell everyone, Kaitlynn started reading!!  We were doing some patterning worksheets and she could read the words Yellow, Red, and Blue, without the color being shown!!  She finished the whole worksheet perfectly!  So awesome, yet bittersweet... they are just growing up too fast. Once again, I have to tell my husband how grateful I am that I can stay home even during this financially difficult time and not miss a single milestone of their childhood.  Remind me I said that when he pisses me off next time... :)

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