Monday, August 2, 2010

So much going on...

One of my friends commented that they were just so busy in the summertime.  I thought, yeah, so are we... wait, we're always busy, not just in the summer!  We have for Mike: Football practices, dental appts, and Physical Therapy; we have for Kaitlynn just medication checks every three months and dentist appointments to get into Preschool; For Max, well, there have just been so many doctor's appointments after the accident, weekly speech therapy, and dental appointments scheduled as a Preschool enrollment requirement; Matt has work each day that we have to schedule car usage with only one vehicle right now and his doctor appointments have just become less frequent; I have my own doctor's appointments to make up for all the years I didn't get things taken care of, dental appointments to get that caught up as well, and I'll be taking care of my Big Sister after her surgery later this month for 4 days; and then we all have all the functions to do each week with the grandparents, aunties, and friends.  We try really hard to get one night a week in to have adult time whether it be at home while the kids are at grandma's or if we can actually afford to go out and spend some time together.  Just so much going on...

Max's speech therapy is going really well.  The sessions themselves are rough as he knows when Heather walks in the door it's work time and he gets frustrated so he doesn't want anything to do with her.  We work with him and get him to do the activities or exercises, but it's hard to keep him interested.  Later though, after Heather is gone until the next week, he does use the things we taught him or worked with him on.  It's so rough the day of the therapy, but now I am seeing the results and how worth it that it is when he talks more and more!

Kaitlynn  told me she didn't want me to take pictures for their scrapbooks, she wanted then in the magazines.  So I went with it and we brushed her hair long, put a cute outfit she picked out, and I threw a sheet over a couch on the playroom for her to sit on.  I gave her the green light to do her thing and I would just take the pictures... here are a few... I am so in trouble!

Last week Max was being a terror one day and had a dozen eggs cracked and smeared into the playroom floor.  This is not the first time he has done that with the eggs, usually it is on the kitchen floor though!  Two days later he got a hold of the peanut butter jar and finger painted his bedroom and himself. I couldn't get it all out of the carpet for anything! Either the same day or the very next day, he poured a whole gallon of apple juice on his bedroom floor.  Some of you might be thinking, "Where were you when he was doing these things?!?" Well, I was probably cleaning up the mess he had just previously made, went out to switch the laundry from washer to dryer, or once I was even in the bathroom when he struck.  Kaitlynn is a good distraction, too. Max has been known to get into trouble when I am dealing with Kaitlynn for one reason or another.  They even tag team me at times and alternate making a mess while I am cleaning up the last one... and people wonder why there are baby gates stacked one on top of the other to keep Max contained in his room... I need time to clean up a mess without him making another, and we also use it to keep him in his room at bedtime.  Without it, he wonders around the house and can keep himself up for hours!  Being gated in, he gets bored and falls asleep.  There are no toys in there, they are all in the playroom, so he has nothing to play with and keep himself awake with.  Anyways, my carpets needed cleaned and my steam cleaner just wasn't cutting it anymore.  Thank God I have a good friend, Rocky (who owns Code 3 Restoration & Carpet Care) who came last weekend to save the day!  He has the industrial size steam cleaner that is in a whole van!  I had all but the living room done!  Next time we'll have him do that room as well as the couches he said!!  WOO HOO!!!  Here is Max and the Peanut Butter...

Getting the carpets clean totally motivated me to get some other things going as far as projects around here go.  I reorganized the playroom and rearranged the furniture.  Now it has more room for the kids to run and play in there, and it takes the focus of the room off of the TV.  I also got Matt to agree to help me paint the kids room. The last tenant really did a number on most of the wall in the house whether it be paint or wallpaper.  My kids just help make worse!  So I went filling pin, nail, and accidental holes all over the room.  Matt did some of the more advanced texture and etc.  Now the room is ready for paint!  And the guys who took the acoustic off the ceiling right before we moved in left some paint in the garage.  It's enough to do at least that room if not another!  No money on paint and our own labor... I can afford that!  Next I want to attack the 1970 wallpaper that is falling down in the dining room, entry, and master bed & bath....

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