Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cookies, BBQing, Painting, and Max's Birthday

Last night we tried to watch Clash of the Titans, but Max just wouldn't go to be so we were constantly interrupted.  Matt finally gave up watching the movie and turned to the kitchen to feed his chocolate chip cookie craving.  There were none made, so he decided to make a batch at 11pm last night.  They were YUMMY!  We finally had to put Max in bed between us and watch the movie from bed.  It was a really good movie with a few new paths different than the original.  But we didn't get to sleep until 2am!  I am dragging ass this morning that's for sure.  I'm really glad I only need to do some light housework before a few friends come over tonight to BBQ.  Cooking Triptip on the grill, and making asparagus appetizers... they are so good!  I'll make a big salad, and one guest is bringing the garlic bread, so I think we'll be set!

Matt is bringing home the painting equipment that is at his work.  He thought it was still here at the house, but when we finally went to paint... we couldn't!  UGH!  This is turning into a two week project!  The kids haven't been sleeping right since they are not in their normal beds, so we are all tired more than not these days.  Tomorrow night is supposed to be the painting time, so then Thursday we'll put the furniture back together and set up the room for them to sleep in there again.  3 weeks until school starts, so I think we will have enough time to get them used to their room again and get through the TV at night withdrawals.  Now that they will be going to school, I am taking the TV out of their room. Wish us luck with that one!

Max's actual birthday is on Friday, but we'll be having his party at Grandma Sharon's on Saturday.  Thinking we'll just stick with cake and ice cream.... might be too many people to make Shrimp Boil.... I CANT BELIEVE HE IS 3 ALREADY!  My baby is turning 3 and going to preschool... my heart hurts....

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