Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mid-September ALREADY?!?!

Wow - where is the time going??  It's already the middle of September!  Well we are all doing well surprisingly.  Besides financial struggles and Mike's shoulder, everything else is calming down finally.  Worries me that it might be the calm before the storm! LOL  I'll be starting school next week and hope we can manage the chaos in schedules with one car and Matt working 30 minutes away all day everyday, the kids to and from school, medical/dental appts every week, Football games each weekend (on hold right now) and my night school.  SO much going on and we are just getting it under control.  Thanks to my mom that is.  She has been here just about everyday to either watch the kids or to let me use her truck to pick up the kids from school.  Such a life saver!  Thanks Mom!

Maximus... (long sigh) He is doing better with talking - lots better!  He is fighting potty training and just doesn't seem ready.  We have to keep trying though, he cannot go to his regular preschool on T, Th & F unless he is in underwear or pullups.  Thank God he is a afternoon & evening pooper so he doesn't really have any #2 accidents at school.  But one day he will go through two outfits I pack for him and is wearing loaner clothes when he comes home, and the next day come home in the same clothes with no accidents all morning.  He no longer fights getting on the bus or letting me leave when I drop him off.  He is getting used to the routine and accepting this is how it is each day.  He is really getting interested in books lately, too.  He got his first ever Scholastic Book Order Form form school, so I emailed the family and asked if anyone wanted to contribute a book to Max. He got every one of the things on his (our) Wish List plus more!  The family support and love was awesome!  Thank You Guys! Anything to keep him talking more and moving forward with his skill sets.  He is growing up so fast!  He is almost the size of Kaitlynn, and although his pants are just a little long, they are wearing the same sizes!!  By the end of winter I am betting Max will be just as tall if not taller than his sister!  Here he is getting the idea of peddling down.

Kaitlynn loves school.  She is just like mommy was and soaks everything up like a sponge!  She is one of the older, actually I think she is the oldest, kid in her class so she is miles ahead of the other kids.  But she needs to be there to get a few holes filled in on her skill sets to be fully ready for Kindergarten.  Her birthday is in January, so she missed the cutoff date of Dec 1st to start Kindergarten this year.  Her teacher uses her to help comfort some of the first timers that cry forever when the parent leaves.  She is such a little mommy and the other kids seem to look up to her like that the teacher says.  They go to her when they get hurt or want attention when the teacher is busy.  Cracks me up.  She is trying to tell Daddy and I how it is these days.  When she gets a smart mouth and is told to go sit in her room until she can talk right to us, she will say "I will NOT! I am not going to my room!  I am staying right here!"  So that's our challenge with her right now.   New phase, new things to look up on the pc to get ideas how to handle it best for her and us.  If that's the worst thing we have going on with her... we're good!!!  She says the funniest things too, though, not just sassy stuff.  She can put two and two together and comes to a conclusion all by herself.  Her delivery of this realization is what is usually hilarious!!  She is really fun at this age!  Here is my new favorite pic of her.

Michael is roughing it these days.  He almost dislocated his shoulder in a game two weeks ago.  Sports Medicine Doctor said it was a partial dislocation and might have done some damage by the looks of his pain level and loss of mobility during her exam.  She ordered an MRI and Xrays.  She even printed a letter to his coach stating he could not play or lift until further notice.  She says after the tests, she should know one way or the other if there is any injury by the results of the MRI.  If there is an injury, he'll be out for the rest of the season.  If there is not an injury, he is 100% ok to play through the pain as long as he can handle it.  He is doing great in school with the exception of some struggling with Spanish.  This last week he has really started to show signs of maturity... finally. For a while there I wondered if he was going to make it to 17.  Holy crap... Mike is going to be 17 in 2 months!!!

We are all looking forward to fall.  We have a trip to Apple Hill planned, our traditional Halloween/Fall Cookie Decorating Night, a trip to the Pumpkin Patch, and a Pumpkin Carving Party planned.  Matt's family and my family have both been invited to try and make more of a "Family" event out of the Fall Festivities, and we truly hope they will all come.  Our kids need to grow up with their cousins and grandparents, and keep family close to their hearts as a priority in life.  Lots of fun stuff though regardless who comes!  Makes for a very busy us, but well worth it for the memories we will be making with our kids and family!

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