Wednesday, September 22, 2010

and so it begins...

Tomorrow night is Orientation for my night school at MTI College here close to home. Matt is spending tomorrow with me as my last day of freedom.  We'll get a few good one on one hours in while the kids are at school, and then a family activity of some sort that afternoon.  Then off to orientation at 6pm...
Nervous, not really... Anxious, some, only because my time will not be my own for 16 months.  Every morning I will be getting the kids up and off to school, then doing homework and running / walking / working out.  By then the little ones are home and lunch, naps, and housecleaning resume.  Dinner will be started for Daddy to finish or just be done long enough to eat and run for my 6-9:30pm classes each weekday.  Weekends I am sure will be consumed with spending time with my kids and husband that I didn't get a whole lot of during the week, and probably a lot of putting the house back together and laundry that I didn't have time for during the week.  I am going to miss them!!  But I have to look at this as an investment into our futures.  After I get that certificate, I will be able to walk into a job (that there will be a demand for) starting at $34-40K a year. That will definitely get the credit cleaned up, keep our heads above water, and along with Daddy's income, we'll even be able to save for another down on another house and quit paying someone else's mortgage by renting!  I'll still update here and add pics as I can... that's one thing that won't stop - PICTURES!  My memories of my children that are just growing up too fast!

<3 Bree

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