Saturday, September 11, 2010

Football Updates

Last week the Mira Loma Matadors played Mesa Verde High and WON with a 35-13score.  Last night Mike had a game at Highlands High School.  Some things don't change after almost 20 yrs.  They still play dirty, the refs pretend not to see it to reduce the chance of their anger focused on them, and the are still sore losers!  Mike's team won 26-20 with Highlands being on their 1 yard line for FOUR downs and unable to make it over.  Go MATS!  Nice Defense!  It was intense for the last minute and a half of the game.  The minute the clock ran out and Mira Loma won, Highlands players tried to start a team wide fight.  Campus Police was on their way down the sides of the bowl but refs and coaching staffs had it contained.  Both teams huddled on the field for a few moments with their coaches, and suddenly it was obvious the Highlands Fan/Families/Students wanted to continue the fight.  Matadors were escorted off the field and into the locker room where they were not allowed to leave until the Police came.  30 minutes later, several units showed up and haphazardly tried to disburse the crowd and escort our team, families, fans, and coaches to the vehicles.  It was absolutely unorganized.  You bet the school district will be hearing from me as well as the Campus Police! 

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