Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Where do I start?!?!

So much has happened in the last few weeks...  I'll try to start at the beginning, but forgive me if I jump around a bit... LOL
Max started speech therepy with Heather who comes to our house once a week. With what she has taught me and with Max enjoying the praise he gets from talking, he's doing so great! He calms down from being frustreated much easier now. He uses his words sometimes without being prompted, too, which is way cool!! He still likes to make messes....

I got my teeth fixed.  I love my dentist!  I had no pain at all during the procedure.  I can smile again and no longer resemble white trash.  I know it affected my self esteem, but had no idea just how badly it was.  Feeling this awesome got me to go running again.  I used to run when I was younger, but with KJ and Max the past few years, I didn't have any extra energy to "exercise".  I went a few times and then got my wonderful sunburn which I'll talk about further down....  I have a hard time with the dentist, soo I have to take Valium before I go to help calm me down.  Thing is, they make me feel yucky for the rest of the day.  No motivation, no energy, no nothing on the days I have dental work.  Oh, then there was the day I took the valium and went to the dentist's office only to find out I was on the wrong week on my calendar.  My appt was the following week... duh!

I have only had one other sunburn worse than this one.  That was when  my cousins and I went rafting.  We thought we'd be smart and not get off the river where everyone else gets off.  We were going to float down to where grandma lived right on the river.  People get off in certain places for a reason.... because after that area, the current goes to the bottom of the river and the top is pretty motionless.  We were stuck paddling for hours!  Trish ended up in the ER getting fluids and treated for burns, Wendy is half Mexican so she didn't burn as bad as I did.  I burned everywhere ( I was still skinny enought o wear a bikini then) and couldn't even sleep at night laying on the sheets let alone wear clothes.  i should have gone for medical care as well, but didn't.  So this recent burn wasn't quite so bad, but it was stupid.  I have avoided the sun for years now.  Once you have one version of cancer, you try to avoid the other kinds.  I used to go out in the sun and never worry about it - I tanned!  My grandmother is full blooded Potruguese, so I have an olive tint to my skin thanks to her.  But after paleness for so long, I burned this bad in just a few hours.  My shoulders are all that's left of the burn, and they have a weird giraffe print to them where some skin has peeled and some hasn't.  It's so gross. 

So you can imagine how much got done the past few weeks between the groggy Valium days and the burn don't touch me days.  My house looks awful. Sure it got picked up and basic dishes/trash done regularly, but there is crap everywhere that belongs somewhere else.  No organization anywhere.  And the kids room - oh, my... Max and Kaitlynn did a good job on it.  SO I am determined to have the house cleaned and the laundry caught up by Friday afternoon when I go take the stress test.  Oh, yeah, the stress test for my heart...  *hanging head down*

Yesterday morning my head was pounding.  While making food for the kids' breakfast, pain went through my inner bicept area of my arm and down to my hand.  It made my hand throb for a few minutes.  It went away and I didn't think anything of it.  Then Matt came home from work so that he didn't work in the heat.  he works 1/2 shift in the early a.m. and then the other 1/2 of his shift in the later p.m. to beat the heat... this is Sacramento after all.  He and I had a misunderstanding and I got mad and yelled.  The pain in my head and my arm were back and hurt a lot more.  It lasted for almost a 1/2 hour.  Then I was ok again as long as I stayed calm.  I also felt lousy and tired all day.  So I knew something was wrong.  I called my mother to come sit with the kids.  She rushed right over and even brought my Grammy.  I had Matt drop me off at the ER on his way back to work and figured he'd get his second shift in and be on his way home by the time I was done in the ER.  I didn't think anything was seriously wrong like a heart attack, but something was off.  On the way there Matt and I started bickering again... we are married for 7 yrs now and getting that itch... so again the pain started.  My chest got tight and hurt a little, the arm pain was throbbing all the way down, and I couldn't catch my breath.  We arrived at the ER just about at the worst of it and they rushed my back for an immediate EKG and chest xrays, bloodwork, the works within the first 30 minutes I was there.  My heart looked fine, but my blood pressure was not.  The doctor can in a few times and redid the EKG and it kept looking fine.  What a relief!  But the blood pressure was slowly getting better abd he said they cuff went off when I was sleeping and my BP was normal finally.  The longer I satyed there and stayed calm, the better I was doing.  He told me to go home and stay calm... I laughed at him.  With a teenager who is such a challenge, two preschoolers ( wow -  I cant say toddlers anymore - that hurts) anyways, and a marriage that feels it's is on shaky ground, financial problems, Max's speech therepy, preschool enrollment that has more paperwork than buying a house, family issues (actually my family this time around), appointment after appointment... and he wants me to stay calm.  HELLO - my normal self without any life problems isn't even calm!!  The doctor told me to do what I needed to do regarless in order to stay calm.  Take walks, run, drink, read, write, all the things that I like to do... and the ok from my doctor to have more than one drink a day HAHAHA that was great!  He admitted it was one of his stress relievers to have a high ball in the evening when he comes home from a hard day in the ER, too, so I don't feel so bad.

Now to see if we get the boat back in time for the 4th....

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