Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back to Blogging

I stalled out on writing my book(s) and still need that daily writing fix, so I am going to see if blogging cures the itch for now.  I keep getting caught up in the writing because when I type and can't stand to see the mistakes, and I go back and fix them immediately.  Unfortunately, this usually messes up the creative flow and I lose where I was going with the scene.  Matt downloaded for me a software program that types what I speak, unfortunately it is not a very good program and doesn't hear very well. *laughing*
I think I have also stalled out on the writing due to stress and chaos reigning in our home these days.  Money is barely coming in when you compare it to the bills, Mike is having some teenager struggles and it's touch and go with him working on them - typical teen UGHH, finally having decent medical insurance, we have at least one of us going to the doctor each week, and sometimes two or three appointments a week, and Max is very frustrated these days as he cannot communicate what he wants or needs very well.  Then add in my dental appointments, football fundraising meetings, and Max's speech therepy set-up appointments, and you have a full week!  To make it worse, we have only one car right now causing us to juggle Matt's work with all the other stuff... stress and chaos reign and creative juices stop flowing or flow out of whack. Yes, I'm whinning. 

So this weekend we have a private wine tour scheduled, and no sitter.  I will be calling in a few alternatives and pray they don't already have plans.  But this will be the first "day off" we've had together, or at all, from parental duties or work in about three weeks.  So I must find someone!!  It will be with some people we used to go to church with, who we haven't been able to connect with since leaving that church.  It will be great to see them and catch up!

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