Monday, June 7, 2010

Several days ago, Kaitlynn gave me a heart attack and disappeared.  I checked outside and called for her in front and back, I searched under beds and in laundry baskets she likes to hid in, and even in the bathtub where she learned to hide from Dad during Hide and Seek.  I was looking all over the house for her and was about ready to call the Police and Matt.  I thought I needed to look in the playroom just one last time... here is what I had been seeing each time I walked through that room....
For some reason, I thought to pick up the top pillow... I have no idea why, I just knew I had to check that before calling in the cops and freaking Matt out, too.  With the flash on the camera this time, you can see what I found....
No wonder she didnt answer me when I was calling for her!  She had fallen asleep after hiding!

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