Friday, June 4, 2010

Yeay! It's Friday!

Matt took today off so he could do the breaks on the van and get it smoged.  Later he is going to Stockton to test out the boat.  The kids and I are home cleaning, playing, and watching Alice In Wonderland.  I loved it when Kaitlynn said, "It doesn't matter if Alice is big or little.  She's still Alice inside." Awww... she is so sweet... when she wants to be!

Been debating back and forth with my long time friend Joe, on Facebook today and last night.  His view is so male and I just dont get it. Usually I agree with Joe and take the hard line, strict parenting, and shut up and get it done attitude.  But this is a homeschooled boy that doesnt play very well, getting picked on by the better players, parents like JOE saying he shouldn't be playing at all a sport with such a high fail ratio, and that only gets to be around these other kids when he goes to practice and games.  Let him decide if he wants to play, let him learn to get a thick skin to the other kids' critism, and give him a chance to learn some life lessons that he probably won't get to learn anywhere else!  He can't play because he sucks??!?!  He is 11 years old!!!  Every kid should have a chance to be on a team and play wether they are good or not to learn what being a team is about.  To learn what hard work and dedication it takes to do some things.  To enjoy playing even if he is a little afraid of the ball... Just feel like Joe is being the bully that we all hated in grade school because none of us were good enough to play on his team.  Reminds me of the movie with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson where the soldier gets killed and it ends up because he was weak.  I love the black guys line, that they did do something wrong, they were supposed to protect those kind of people, the ones who cant protect themselves.  Smack the crap out of me if I become a parent who wants a kid off my kids team because he sucks!

On a lighter note, above are pics of KJ and Max in the Coach on the way to SoCal last month.

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