Friday, September 3, 2010

Schedules Schedules and more Schedules

Max is now in school 5 days a week!  On Monday & Wednesday he goes to his speech therapy geared preschool from 8am to 12 noon where the bus takes him to and from school.  Then on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday he goes to the regular preschool about a mile away from 8:15am to 11:45am.  Mike leaves at 6:45am to walk to school and has practice as soon as school gets out so I don't see him until about 6pm, sometimes 7pm.  He has just enough time to get his homework and chores done and a little gaming time in before he crashes out.  Kaitlynn is loving all the mommy time she is getting.  She doesn't start her preschool class until the 7th. Then she and Max will be in the same school, just separate classrooms.  She goes to the same school all 5 days a week.  So, you can imagine the logistics and schedule issues we have.  Then throw in a doctor's appt or somewhere else I have to be... it gets quite crazy. Then starting Sept 23rd, I have night school from 6pm to 9:30pm Monday through Friday. It will get very interesting here in a few weeks!

Mike's first varsity football game is tonight.  We are so excited to go.  Unfortunately, Matt will be staying home with Max because we want to actually get to watch the game and not run around the track chasing Max or trying to keep him off the field.  A bunch of my family is going and a few friends as well to cheer him and his team on.  GO MATS!  GO #88!  We'll keep you posted on the scores!

I am officially enrolled at MTI College on Madison, right here 3 blocks from the house!  I will be a certified Medical Billing & Coding Specialist by Jan 2012 - maybe sooner if I test out of a few of the basic classes.  The medical industry is one of the few that is still booming during the recession, and it is predicted to be the biggest industry of growth for the next 5 years at least.  I figure I can get in somewhere (preferably a hospital) to start, then work my way up, or into other admin positions.  With the classes I have at school, there are so many other medical admin positions that I could also do.  So, I go to school at night and do my homework and studying while the kids are in preschool.  hmmmm... I will be so busy....I think I will relax it up for the next few!

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