Tuesday, August 17, 2010

PROJECT FINISHED! and Preschool starting soon.

Yeay!  I finally have the kids' room finished and they are sleeping in there again!  WooHoo!  Yes, it took me 3 weeks, but it was worth it.  The room looks so cute half Max's theme and half Kaitlynn's. 

Both are from their crib sets so that was no money put out.  The paint was left over from when they removed the popcorn ceiling and repainted it before we moved back in... no cost there.  We did buy the blocks that hold the crib quilts up on the wall for $20 at JoAnn's.  But everything else was from their previous room... just now fresh paint, rearranged furniture, and a little redecorating and it looks all new and cute!  Now on to the next room... I have already rearranged the playroom and had the carpets cleaned, but I still want it repainted as well and some Disney posters and academic posters for the walls.  That will have to wait to have the money for posters, and the landlord to agree to buy the paint.  The entry and dinning area are my next big projects.  Because it is cosmetic and not neccessity, our landlord won't take care of the 1970 wallpaper that is peeling and collecting moisture causing mold.  I have started pushing the issue that the mold is a health issue and we would be willing to do the labor to remove the wallpaper, retexture, and repaint, if he would buy the materials.  We'll see how that goes...

Max and KJ have Preschool Orientation on the 30th, home visits from their teachers the rest of that week sometime, and then actually start school on the 7th of September.  I cannot wait on one hand, but so sad on the other.  I don't want my babies to grow up, but I am excited for their new adventure of their childhood. 

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