Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's Been a While...

Reminds me of that Nickleback song LOL.

But anyways...... things have been so busy and chaotic since school started, we moved, kids are transfering schools, comuting is a b*tch, and the holidays just really wiped me out.  The second week in January and I had pneumonia.  They think I had walking pneumonia for a few weeks before it got bad enough to knock me down... and  it did!  YUCK!

Kaitlynn's surgery went well!  The doctor said she pulled out some HUGE adenoids!! The only part that was rough was when she woke up from the anethstesia. She was thrashing and pissed off! She wasn't aware of what she was doing or anything around her, so we couldn't even comfort her.  They had to give her a dose of pain meds to knock her back out so she could wake up slower and calmer.  Her is her recovering:
had to be with Dad!

Our Little Trooper!

Max couldn't help but upstage his sister on the evening she came home from the hospital. With mom, dad, and all the grandmas in attendance, he decided to trip on a toy and hit the one spot on his footboard that could split his forehead open. Back to Kaiser we went... 5 stitches later...

with the last scar off to the right, he's trying to create his own Harry Potter look....

My schooling is going well.  I have perfect attendance and a 4.0 gpa.  Matt is starting there as well the second Monday in February.  He is going to get his IT AA.  He is a closet geek and loves computers so this is perfect for him. Especially when the construction is dead in this town and his back can't handle it anymore anyways.  He will go to day classes and I will go to night classes. Hard schedules, but we are trying to do the best for ourselves when this economy turns around and be in a better position financially.

Kaitlynn turned 5 and had a party at McDonald's. It was a lot of fun and she had a blast!! Here is her and her BFF, Rylee. 

and here she is 2 hours early waiting to go to her party:

I'll try to keep up better here now that some of the chaos has passed.  But with this group, ther will always be something going on... makes life interesting HAHAHAHAHA!