Friday, November 5, 2010

Fall Activity Pics - Kids - My School

You can see our Trip to the Pumpkin Patch, Making & Baking Fall & Halloween Cookies, and Halloween 2010 pictures at the following links.  What great Fall Fun!

Max is in two different Presschools - Mon & Wed he has Preschool that is specifically geared to Speech Therapy Activities, and the rest of the week he goes to a regular state Preschool through the school district.  The Mon/Wed class has gotten their school pictures back and Max's was PRECIOUS!!
Isn't he just too dang cute?!?!  Three years old and already a handsome little devil!!!  He will have his other class school pics as well as Kaitlynn getting hers in another week or two.  Mike got his but they weren't exactly great and he and I agreed to do the retakes.... still waiting for them to come back.
I have finished this first tern towards my Medical Billing & Coding Specialist Certificate.  A+ in my Strategies class (102%), an A in my Keyboarding Class, and an A in my Computer Concepts class, so what does that make...?  4.25, right?  WOOHOO!!  Dean's List here I come!!  I am so excited about school and loving it!!  Very proud of myself for getting back there and doing this well!