Sunday, June 6, 2010

Major Anxiety

Ok - I don't do pain well.  I don't do shots either.  Needless to say, I hate the dentist.  He is a very nice, gentle, calm man that I see now, and I like him very much, I just hate everything he does as his job.  I had such a hard time with the exam and xrays, he prescribed a valium for me to take the night before the next appointment with him and an additional pill one hour before the appointment.  He said we'll start there.... doesn't give me a whole lot of confidence... I am thinking we will have to do the gas on top of the valiums... I am so freaking anxious about tomorrows extraction and cleaning, even the valium isn't making me tired!  I don't want to go!!!!  We have several appointments set an each hinges on the success of the one before it, so I have to go!  I just keep reminding myself that I want to smile again.  I want to actually look happy in the pictures taken with my children, my husband, and my family...  I want to leave better looking memories for my kids... I had a great smile and I want it back!


Speaking of family... I have to acknowledge to everyone who will read this, how wonderful my mother is.  She has really stepped up to being the mom I thought I had missed out on.  She helps with the kids, she picks up and drops off any one of us as needed, she rearranges her schedule to suit my needs, she is a reality check when most wouldn't dare say it to me, and she is so much support that I never expected.  I had learned to not see what I was missing, but now, I know what I was missing and am so thrilled to have it after all.  Thank you Mom, for all that you do, for who you have become, and for being my mom.  I wouldn't have survived these last few months without all of your help, love, and support.


Matt opened the mail today!!!  CRAP!!! He found his Father's Day present in the mail and couldn't help himself.  He just had to open it.  I was so mad hahahahaha!  But I am doing better at getting over it, and now am planning on helping the kids make presents for him.  He loves those gifts the best.  Yes, even better than the Hop Lover's Guide that he opened for his beer brewing.... barely better *laughing*

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